This site was meant to be a temporary host from when Holy Unblocker initially shut down (2022-03-01),
before it was bought by The Gopher (2022-04-07).
Initially it was thought that Sylvie (EnderKingJ) would aquire HU, but this never ended up happening.
Between the 2 dates mentioned above, I set up this site in an attempt to maintain Holy Unblocker's SEO.
It turned out it wasn't really needed, and I forgot to take it down. Oops.

2024-01-22: epic stuff coming soon hopefully.

- OlyB

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This isn't the greatest announcement sorry. After lots of thought and severe hesitation I'm shutting down Holy Unblocker and leaving TN.
It's just been something that I've been super conflicted with for months hence the lack of updates and the massive gaps that happened last year.
I just didn't want to throw away a project that I passionately enjoyed and spent time on while making amazing friends and meeting epic devs here.
I could go on forever for who these people are but ima like leave it here. They know who they are :D
The main change of thought is that I'm finally just putting an end right now due to:

- the lack of motivation
- the community is NOT the greatest at time and not the nicest at times (have to put that out here)
- the future doesn't look so good for HU/TN as a project.

Some things I'll be keeping secret since there are more reasons to this choice unless otherwise for those who don't find this enough information.
Good friends here will know that I've been super stressed about this choice for months now.
Also regardless a good motivator for this choice is the fact that I'll be graduating soon.
It's possible that I may continue/come back for this in the future or keep it on GitHub only.
I leave this here because even now I am still doubting myself about this change.
But for now I'd check out other proxy sites like Incognito (Duce DOES a ton of updates frequently and he is the creator/developer of Ultraviolet so give him some love) :yayy_hopi:
Check out his Patreon also! For current HU patrons you will not be billed next month and the HU Patreon will be archived so head over to Duce's patron so he can purchase more domains for Incognito.

With love, <3

All current HU domains are now pointing to a static site hosted on GitHub pages, to take the remaining load off of b3at's dedicated server.
Pr­ox­ies will no longer function, but most g­am­es will still work.

Plans for the the future

Holy Unblocker is being handed to EnderKingJ. It may take a while for them to get the server set up, but pr­ox­ies will return when it is.

- OlyB